Fall is in full swing, as we enjoy all things Thanksgiving this season. Here’s a handy Family Bucket List of 35 great activities that are super easy and super fun to do during the fall season. Get ready to up your mom-game with these do-able ideas.
Download PDF version here: FAMILY BUCKET LIST_Fall Edition_Nov 2019 (1)
We’ve broken it down to indoor and outdoor activities. There’s also space to write your own fun traditions. Simply click HERE to download the full list and open to print. Then circle the activities you would like to do and cross off the activities that you’ve already done so far.
If you have checked off at least 15, we’d say you have “Fallin’ in love with the season”
Here’s our roundup of 35 great bucket list activities that are fun for any family:
Make a Seasonal Centerpiece or Wreath
There are so many great choices to choose from on Pinterest but my favorite type of centerpiece is a craft I can make with my kid. This year we are attempting the Beaded Pipe Cleaner Indian Corn from a crafty blogger at “One Little Project.”
Roast Pumpkin Seeds
I adore pumpkin seeds, especially when they are homemade. When you pull seeds out of a pumpkin you will want to rinse and take off as much pulp as you can. Dry them a little bit. Melt about 1 Tablespoon of butter and toss with the seeds. Then spread them out on a baking sheet on top of parchment paper, Silpat or foil. Sprinkle with a little bit of salt. My secret is Maldon Sea Salt Flakes that I buy on Amazon, I also add a bit of Lawry’s seasoning salt. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Make sure to toss seeds sometime in the middle of baking (you don’t need all seeds turned over).
If they seem to be toasted to your liking after 40 minutes, pull them out. If not, keep checking every 3 minutes. How’s that for a quick and dirty recipe? Happy roasting!
Make a Gratitude Jar
This is a great tradition to introduce to your family that is not only fun but teaches kids about being thankful. The Gratitude Jar is basically any container that you fill with individual notes with written words or phrases that express what you are grateful for.
It can be as simple as create your own notes to drop in the jar like, “I’m grateful for the house we live in because I feel safe when I sleep at night” or a question or prompt to answer that is prepared in advance like, “What’s a skill you have that you are grateful for?”
It’s an activity you can do all month long or talk about them over a Thanksgiving dinner. For inspo, check out Pinterest. Here’s a great link for a free printable gratitude prompt found on the Mom Can Do This blog.
Make a DIY Fall-Inspired T-Shirt
Bust out that Cricut or Silhouette machines and DIY your way to a “Feast Mode”, “Leftovers are for Quitters” or “Thankful Mama” shirt that you can make yourself. Another option to fast track yourself into a cute seasonal shirt is Amazon. (I promise not to tell anyone.)
For a great review about the Cricut Explore Air 2 and 3 free Cricut-ready, fall pillow designs, check out my friends, Jessica and Sarah, from Pretty Providence Blog. They lay down all the details and it’s super easy to follow. Plus, who doesn’t love a good freebie to add to their Cricut Design Studio. I do!
Photo credit: www.prettyprovidence.com 2019
Create a Craft Using Items Found in Nature
This is a great excuse for you and your kids to get outside, collect fallen leaves, branches, and whatever else you can find to create something fun. Whether it’s a pinecone centerpiece to add to a bowl or make dried leaves art with Modge Podge, your kids will love working with elements from nature.
Bake an Apple or Pumpkin Pie
What better way to challenge your baking skills with a delicious homemade apple or pumpkin pie – or whatever filling you that sparks your fancy. You go Betty Crocker Mama!
Make Apple Cider from Scratch
The ultimate hack to making apple cider from scratch is to use the Instant Pot. This is about the easiest thing to make besides pumpkin seeds recipe mentioned above. It’s fresh and naturally vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free. Here’s a great Apple Cider recipe to follow…it’s so simple.
Host a Friends-giving Dinner
I love it when my best gal pals and I gather for a Friends-giving or Friends-mas Dinner with our families. It makes the holidays really special. Whether you host one or attend one, there are plenty of ideas on Pinterest that are so fun to try. Dare I say “Pie Bar” instead of a traditional dessert bar?
Make a Countdown Until Thanksgiving
I love crafting with my son so we made a countdown to Gobble Gobble Time using a paper chain link countdown we made ourselves. 100% freehand and 100% no stress.
Plan a Thanksgiving Day Menu
Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year or part of a potluck. Now is the time to start planning. If you live in an area where grocery stores start running out of items, make sure you grab them early one. This is your friendly reminder to not wait until the last minute. (It’s happened to me before and I could not get my hands on a jar of marshmallow crème)…yeah, that totally happened.
Try a New Pumpkin-Based Recipe
There are a gazillion recipes out there that include pumpkin. I challenge you to make one this year and share your pictures with me on any of my social media pages. I will be happy to feature you on my #pumpkinrecipechallenge.
Make DIY Christmas Gifts
This is another friendly reminder to start gathering supplies to make your Christmas DIY gifts and begin making your prototype or just start making the gifts now. You’ll thank me when you’re done before December 1st!
Buy a Fall Flower Bouquet (and Let Your Kids Arrange it in a Vase)
One of the most rewarding practical life skills that my son has learned at his Montessori Preschool was flower arranging and now I let him do it every time we buy flowers. The idea behind it is that it fosters independence and logical thinking. Let your children pick out the flowers, the vase, trim the stems and peel off the leaves. Watch how happy they are to pour the water into the vase and add flowers how they see fit. It’s really a joy to watch.
Make Homemade Caramel Popcorn
I’ve never met a caramel popcorn I didn’t like. Whether you are counting the calories before Turkey Day or not, it’s a lot of fun making fresh caramel popcorn and it’s pretty easy too. If you don’t want to make from scratch, buy caramel popcorn seasoning or grab some of the best popcorn in the planet from my personal favorite, Popcornopolis. You can now find them on Amazon. So easy!
Burn Fall Scented Candles
I may not be pumpkin spice everything but I am when it comes to my candles. I love these Yankee candles and this adorable Aromascape , 2-wick scented candle with a cute phrase on the jar, “You are the Pumpkin to my Spice” found on Amazon.
Decorate Your House with Fall Décor
Keep it simple for fall. You don’t need to run to Hobby Lobby or Michaels to decorate for fall when you probably have craft supplies and products found in nature to get you by.
However, if you do, make sure to nab the deals when they are at least 50% off. Hobby Lobby will go up to 90% off and Michaels goes up to 70% -80% off. This is a great time to dabble with silk floral arrangements or making a wreath because supplies go on deep discount too. When all else fails order yourself a cute kitchen towel for you or the dinner host, an adorable buffalo check table runner, and add candles and pumpkins to your table! Boom. Done.
Make Pumpkin Bread or Muffins
Whether you make a semi-homemade, classic, or one bowl version of pumpkin bread, it’s a fun thing to do with kids during the season and quite frankly is a tradition in our house. We love the gluten-free pumpkin bread & muffing baking mix from Trader Joes. Just add some heavy whipping cream and a tablespoon of agave nectar and you’ll be happy you did.
Make a Gratitude List
Just like the Gratitude Jar, make a personal list of the top 5 things you are grateful for and keep it handy where you can look at when you have down days. As moms, we have a tough job keeping a household together, raising a family, and everything else in between.
I’m personally grateful for the community I’ve been a part of online and through social media because it’s been so fulfilling to know we are doing this all together.
Download a Fall Seasonal Screensaver for Your Smartphone
If you are like me, you love graphic art. So download your favorite images and save them to your phone as a wallpaper or screensaver this season. Be sure to share with your friends. Get your #gratitudeattitude on.
Download a Smartphone Screensaver:
Pack Away Your Summer Clothing
It’s time, friend. Bust out those Ziplock space saver bags or grab them here. I personally like this variety pack. They work so good and the plastic is super strong. They even have XL size and it holds a lot.
Here’s a roundup of activities you and your family can enjoy outdoors. Let the fall fun begin.
Attend a craft fair or farmers market
Participate in a community Turkey Trot
Go leaf peeping
Visit the library and check out a seasonal book
Visit a fall-inspired landmark in your city
Attend a fall festival in your city
Go on a nature walk to see the Autumn colors
Go on a nature scavenger hunt.
Decorate your porch/patio together as a family
Bob for apples
Plan a day trip to a festive fall location
Go apple picking
Gather leaves in a pile and jump in
Volunteer at a food shelter
Find ways to give back to your community
The skies the limit on Fall Fun but if you have some of your own traditions feel free to write your own in the space provided. This list is for you after all!
I hope you’ve enjoyed these ideas. Check out my Pinterest boards with my favorite fall things from bloggers all around the ‘net. If you do print and use this list, please share your activities with me through my social channels. This helps me create more content you will love.
Happy Fall, Ya’ll!

This is such a great list! Thanks for sharing! I especially love the flower arranging idea. And those phone screensavers are so cute!
Thanks, Alex. I love the flower arranging so much too. It’s so neat to watch our kids be sweet and creative.
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